Janathon #1 - Sickly New Year.

So, avoiding all the festive gubbins and straight into the first run of the year, and the first of Janathon 2011.

I have been for my first run. I now feel a little sick.
This may be the result of a hilly couple of kilometres, the seven or eight pints I had last night, the excess of stodgy party buffet food, or a combination of all of the above. Welcome to 2011 anyway!

Either way, a lovely, if slightly ill feeling, short run around Torpenhow, onto Brown Moor and back down the old village sports fell race course. Nice to be out, even in the dull greyness of New Years Day. Long may the running continue, and I'm sure I'll have stopped feeling ill by the time I've done posting this!


Anonymous said…
why not round by the sewage works? perfect way to start the new year!!
how was dad feeling in the morning??

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