Janathon #7 - On the mend

Still recovering from the first week of the Janathon (did you think I'd forgotten?!) so run #7 was another short loop just to eke some miles out and massage some life back into the legs. A short but a little faster loop than usual - 3.2km in 19:50 (so just under 10 minute miles, something I don't do too often)

It was just a short sprint (Map below), but it needed to be a fast lap just to shake the legs out. When I got back I could feel 'the burn', but it was a pretty good one. And it's the end of week one, so I celebrated with a very nice Thai green fish curry and a glass or two of very nice Sauvignon.

My week one stats probably aren't that impressive, but as I said after #6, I'm competing only with myself, and I'm a Data Analyst by profession so I like the geeky side of life. But they are, as follows:

Since this post just sneaks under the 24hr limit to blog, that's me up to date. and I'm also sat in my running kit
ready to get Week Two kicked off. Another 5km here we go...


Cakey said…
Week 1 done & celebrated in style too. Well done.

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