Janathon #25 - Any which way but straight

Nice gentle bimble to the Give It A Go session organised by LUUCC last night. I decided against the direct route to the uni pool (which would have been about 4.5km) and went off on a wander through Beckett's Park and the back lanes, which meant a circuitous, inny-outy, multi-surfaced 7km in about 55 mins.

After that, a lovely night at the pool, a quick pint of Leeds brewery's Midnight Bell (fantastic dark ale) and a lift home. Joyous!

Tonight I'm going for a short one, hunting a haggis to have for supper. There's not enough hills to be able to chase one anti-clockwise, but I reckon I should be able to find one somewhere..


Anonymous said…
Good luck on your haggis hunt :)

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