Janathon #20 - Persickologgy

It's all persickologgical. Or headological. Whichever you believe in. If it's a placebo, but it still seems to be working, is there any point telling anyone?

These are the thoughts that wander through my head as I potter around a 7km loop of Cookridge and Holt Park, specifically related to the compression calf guards I'm wearing. They seem to work for me, but would I run any worse without them, and if I did, would it be because the calf guards actually help, or just because I think they do?

Questions like this cannot be any worse than my earlier attempts at poetry. Maybe I should stick to hard facts for the next 11 runs. Starting now:

7.07km, 51:27, and now only 2.86km to go to make it 150km in 3 weeks. Reckon I can manage that tomorrow night...


Gary Vallance said…
I loved Janawocky. I've told other Janathoners about it. Including schoolteachers. You shall hailed a literary hero, literally!
Anonymous said…
If you want to blow your mind even more with the conundrum that is the placebo effect, check out the nerdstock video at http://www.badscience.net/2010/04/placebo-nocebo/
Anonymous said…
if you feel a benefit it doesn't matter whether its a placebo. they do make you look gay though!!
Tim S said…

That is strange...

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