Janathon #17 - The long and short of it.

First off, an explanation and an apology. After my blog about my run on Saturday, I received a couple of comments, which I haven't published, about a specific comment I made, which pointed out a couple of things that in my food-deprived and oddly-humoured state, I hadn't picked up on or thought about.

The comment in question was the offhand crack that "I've been reliably informed by an Osteomyologist that running on tarmac can cause cancer of the knees." 

First off, this is a joke. A long-standing joke between myself, a friend who happens to be an Osteomyologist, and a handful of other people involved in a certain series of Adventure Races. 'Cancer of the knees' is used as a slang term for the way your legs feel after two-and-a-half hours of running around the city streets chasing checkpoints. Running on tarmac does not induce actual cancer of the knees. I apologise to anyone who misunderstood this.

Secondly, I also apologise for the implication that this misinformation was passed to me by a practitioner of the healing arts. It has been pointed out to me that this might be perceived as a slight on members of the Association of Osteomyologists. That was not my intention in any way, shape or form, and I therefore apologise for any offense this might have caused to them. The practitioner in question has treated me a small number of times, and I've nothing but respect for his work and that of his colleagues.

With that, hopefully, dealt with and sorted, on to tonight's run and the forecast for the week.

I've got off to a pretty good start, with the long bimble on Saturday and a fairly decent 8km yesterday, and I reckon, after my 30+ miles last week, I should aim for 40 miles this week. I've a good head towards that target after the weekend, but I need to average 7.5km a day for 5 days. That means more long runs and less recovery, which might get hard to crack.

With all of that in mind, I headed out tonight to do at least 8km. I headed off gently up the Otley Road, as I often seem to, then turned off at the traffic lights after about 2.5km and onto a loop around Adel, from the sports club, past the church, around Sir George Martin Drive (anyone know why there's a street in Leeds named after him? Liverpool I could understand, but...) and back to the traffic lights, then try and push the pace back past Bodington (again) and down across the ring road and home. Simples!

It worked, as far as plans go. A bit tight in places, but a fairly respectable 8.3km in 52:56, so nicely under 7min/km. If I can keep runs like that up, I'll hit the 40 alright, and who knows what might come after that...


Gary Vallance said…
Pyro might also mention that the most prominent osteomyologist in the lives of many adventure racers (including he, and I) looks like a bear, sounds like a bear, and could probably kill you like a bear (except that those superhuman thumbs of his are tools of osteomyological healing, and not pathological violence). Ho ho.
Unknown said…
Why Gary that almost sounds like a compliment, Cheers

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