Janathon #3 - Mind doesn't matter

Still trotting on with the Janathon madness. I've not mustered any long runs yet, but it's been a case of fitting running time in between dashing back and forth around the Lakes, seeing people and getting sorted to go back to work tomorrow.

Gary V wrote a cracking piece on keeping motivated. He's dead right, and perhaps this Janathon is something that will be useful in establishing a routine of running. Whiloe I'm not dashing up and down the country as much as he is, the hardest battle will be getting out to run, either (gulp) before work, or after. The lure of the bed and the sofa are strong ones.

Today's run was a little 'shade-over-5km' round the block loop in Leeds, but the hardest part for me was that it was after a few hours of driving, a full day out-and-about, when all I wanted to do was sit down, have a cuppa, and put my feet up. Instead, I made sure my running kit was in the car and easily accessible before I set off back to Leeds, changed in the car outside my house, and ran straight away, before I'd opened my front door and the soft furniture could exert its magnetic tractor-beam on my backside.

The loop's just a street loop, but it's a regular easy jog. It will probably be used a lot through the month on the basis that it's well lit, not too taxing, and already an ingrained route for my feet, taking away from me the extra stress of having to decide where to go! I head down the Otley Road from the house, down into Studentsville (aka Headingley), and loop round past the takeaways,  bars etc. There's nothing like running past your favourite Chinese to motivate you to run.... Erm... I may be wrong on that point.

Anyway. It's also nice as a run in that the first half is downhill and the second half uphill. I know I suffer worst in the first 10 minutes of a run (Toxic Ten syndrome...), especially if that ten minutes is ascent. So this one's a nice steady drop down as described, and down to the cricket ground, then it gradually winds itself back up towards the Co-op at Butcher hill, then a flat jog along suburban backstreets to home. Not quick, in tonight's case (30-35mins-ish. I really should start wearing a watch) but steady away, and enough to fit in between arriving home and divesting the car of it's multivarious contents courtesy of a week-and-a-bit's holiday.

The first 'bigie' of Janathon is in the pipeline for this weekend, with the Nav4 crew heading up to the north Lakes for the Old Crown Round. I'll be there, dragging my sorry arse across the fells. I'll let you know more about it if I make it back... ;)


Gary Vallance said…
Great work Pyro, if you can do one of those every day you'll hit February in fine form.

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