Janathon #31 - Time, and a half. (Pt 1)

Tonight's run: 22.19km, 2:49:04.
More chat and stats analysis once I've eaten my own bodyweight in pasta...


Cakey said…
Looking forward to the stats! Well done on Janathon completion - enjoy the pasta. I'm eating cake. Quelle surprise!
Anonymous said…
Haha - well done on finishing top ten mmm pasta, I had boring feta salad but not so boring glass of Malbec to wash it down. Let's celebrate the end of Janathon every day!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on finishing Janathon and on your impressive overall mileage. I've really enjoyed reading your posts (and am very glad that Pooh and Tigger did manage to catch a Janathoner.

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