Meanwood run

GPS track of the Meanwood run route I've been doing a couple of times a week recently - well, one of the many variations on 'route'. There are so many small trails in that section of woodland that you can create as many variations of the theme of 'route' as I can on the theme of 'running'...

Run anticlockwise, the blobby bit at about 3 o'clock is a little quarry where I run short hill reps.

To also do some shameless promotion for a friend, my increase in running recently has been helped a lot by a good gait analysis and shoe advice from Stuart Hale and the team at Accelerate down in Sheffield. I'd been having big issues with blistering in my arches during runs, which is not what you need when you're wanting to up your mileage. Stuart ran the gait analysis for me, talked about my normal running style, terrain and mileage, explained (very patiently, in words of less than 3 syllables) what was causing the problem, what the possible solutions were, and then produced a stack of shoes that might help. A stint running in each one narrowed it down gradually, and I finally emerged from their shop (over an hour later) with a pair of Saucony Xodus trail shoes. The last couple of weeks running a couple of times a week has bedded them in, and I have to say, they're a great fit and I've had no further problem with blistering. Which is nice.

So - Run route above, shameless plug below. Thanks for reading this far!


Pyro and his ever-diminishing beergut.


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