Word gets around

"Neither success or failure is ever final"

However mysterious and cryptic I try to be, word gets around. Recently there's been a few posts on stalkbook and here about things changing, and they genuinely are now.

Most of the posts have been purely in the 'optimist' range - I've been hoping that writing things down will make me more likely to actually DO something to influence the way my life's been going: I know I have a tendency to rest on my laurels and try and let change come to me, but a fire under my a*se is something that's been a long time coming.

The story so far goes a bit like this:
I've been applying for new jobs, both inside and outside of my current company, due to the increasing frustrations I have with the office. I won't go into detail, but I came to a realisation a while back that all the snide, snipey little cracks I made about people, management, location etc were borne out of a real frustration and loss of patience with the place. I made a vow to myself, and voiced it to friends, that I would have made a change by November - my birthday as a specific date. And, like buses, you wait ages for one then a bunch come along at once...

I'd been applying for a number of things, but 3 had become an almost-reality: the first, a Business Expert role within the company, I'd been trying to get for a year, having failed at interview 3 times all ready; the second, an Assistant Project Officer job working in Biomass energy projects - something that combines the things I studied at Uni with the project management I've been learning in my job; the third a Resruitment Consultant position, not something I'm trained at or qualified for, but I'd got to interview anyway.

Time came around and it turned out that I'd been successful for the Business Expert, which was great. I'd been trying for so long that it was a relief to finally make it, but all the same, it wasn't a change so much as a different view of the same thing. So I kept my applications in for the other jobs and waited to see what happened there.

The day before I officially started the BE job, I went over to York for an interview for the APO job. Coming out of it, I thought I'd either done very well or very badly - nothing in the middle. I'd booked the day off and so I mooched around and contemplated what my next moves could be in case of either success or failure. I settled into my new role and wondered what would come up next.

Last tuesday, I got a call. The Assistant Project Officer job - "You're overqualified". Oh smeg... I'd really pinned a lot of hope on this, and it seemed to be going south at a rate of knots. "However, we think you'd be good for the [higher graded] Project Officer role, if you'd like it". Oh wow. Ooh. It took me all of about 30 seconds to say yes.

So, on to pastures new. As someone who likes to look at the good and bad in everything, it's a shame to leave 3 years f hard work and development behind, and a strange jump to move from the familiar to the unknown, however much the familiar irritates me. But after nearly 6 years, I'm going to be putting my degree to some use, earning a little more money, and transplanting myself onto a brand new path which, as always, could lead me just about anywhere. It'll be fun to find out where this one goes, eh?


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