Mighty Deerstalker

Okay, first blog on this whole new 'training diary' thing.

Myself and Elise ran the Mighty Deerstalker (10km supposedly, my measurements show closer to 14km) at the weekend. I won't go into a massive amounto of detail because I've already done a write-up for Sleepmonsters (which should appear HERE.

This is just a quick post to say "been there, don it, got the Buff", and to note a kind of big thank you to my sis. Last year, I got dropped by Jon very early on, and I think it made it much harder for me to run solo. This year, E and I ran every step as a pair, something I wouldn't have banked on EVER happening 2 years ago. Hell, as we ran down the finish funnel, we were hand-in-hand! Wierd s**t happens, eh?

Next up, Student Rodeo next weekend, then Brum for the Rat Race after that.

'til then



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