Janathon '12 - 4: Eurgh...

Well, that was fairly horrible.

Wet and windy plodding around a similar, but not quite the same, loop as yesterday. Bit shorter, since the weather here is, frankly, minging. And I set off without a waterproof and got caught in a bloody great downpour... Ah well, these are the days that make the rest of the month seem pleasant by comparison.

Not worked out distance yet, but was out about 45 mins. Well confirm and log when I get a chance to charge my phone (due to current weather conditions, house has no electric and no heating. Typing this on an old phone from under a duvet) and download the tracker file. It's just been one of those days...


Anonymous said…
sounds horrific - glad I got mine out the way this morning...
Anonymous said…
heroic blogging effort -- hope the power comes back soon!

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