Janathon '12 - Ooh crikey.

Blimey. Been a while since I did one of these isn't it! Let's try and catch up on where we've been and what we've been doing, shall we? For a start, Janathon isn't really going particularly well for me, hence the gap in blogging. We'll come to the specific reasons why in a bit, but it isn't going... well, it's not going the way Janathon '11 went, nor the way Juneathon '11 went. Maybe it's a change in perspective, a failure to take it as seriously this time, or just winter lethargy and SAD getting in the way, but hey. I'm still more active than average, but let's say I won't be racking up the yardage like I have done the last two 'athons. That doesn't mean I've given up, though. That ain't happening!! We'd got up to Day 11, so I'm only a week behind. Oops. Let's start at 12 then! Janathon '12 - 12: The Horseshoe of Doom This was a 10km-ish lap from my place, along Meanwood Road and through to...