On the up and up

"Seasons change, mad thngs re-arrange, but it all stays the same like the Love Doctor Strange"

Summer to Autumn to Summer again, this season's been a wierd one. But, out of the strangeness comes a wee touch of joy, and the start of my favourite part of the year - Yes, Summer is good, but I'm an Autumn/Winter person. Crisp cold mornings, thanking Merino sheep, Thermoroubaix lycra and W.L Gore and co as I fire into work, trying not to slide on the rare icy patches along the way.

Work's the first joy, bizarrely. Things are working out. I finally got the Business Expert job I've been chasing for the best part of a year. I've got other interviews coming up which I'm still going for, but at least the base situation (in terms of both money and circumstances) has improved.

Other work is the second joy: I'm booked up pretty much solidly from now til mid-November. Now, maybe working 7 days a week isn't the best of things but the weekends are going to be the work that I wish were my day job, but will do as a weekender. River Safety and First Aid for Extreme Care, Marshalling and Safety for Rat Races/Detail Events and this last weekend, Photography assignments for Stuart Johnston Mountaineering, which I'm editing the photos for (or at least am supposed to be!) while I'm typing this. Pyro's Yard Productions (as seen over on the photoblog) is starting to come to fruition.

The third joy is friends. Seeing ones I haven't seen for a good while and finding out how things are in their worlds. Graham's running all over the shop, and doing great. Rob's soon to become a daddy, Chez is racing really well, and Bina's working hard and planning her future. And that's just the guys I've seen this last weekend.

All in all, I'm tired but happy. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

Take care all, have a good 'un



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