The Rain in Spain...

...has been falling mainly on the Raid Bimbache Extrem 2008.

For those missing the point of this comment, one of Opportunity's little sojourns into my life has been the chance to come over to Segovia to report for Sleepmonsters on the Raid Bimbache. She was definitely smiling at me this time - a huge, wide beautiful ear-to-ear grin, much like I've had for a lot of the week.

I've had a blast this week, taking pics, writing until the early hours of the morning and just enjoying the feeling or being a racer at a race, but not racing. And I've met some more great people: The Spanish press guys; the marshals; Fred from XPD Portugal; Anne-Marie, Angela and the Raid Nature 46 team; Sukhana (I think that's how you spell it) and the Wilsa Helly Hansen team. Just a great bunch of friendly, enthusiastic people. Emotionally it's been fairly intense - at various intervals I've wished I was racing, been glad I wasn't, been happy, sad, confused, elated, frustrated. The typical Englishman abroad, I speak no Spanish whatsoever, so it's all been a great learning experience and often an exercise in polite silence.

So, to Opportunity, I offer my greatest thanks. To the organisation of Bimbache, to Sleepmonsters, and to the kindred spirits I've met, my thanks and respect. And to the whole world at large, a wry smile and a tipped glass.

Adios, amigos.

Pyro, and all the available connotations and mispronunciations thereof.


Angela said…
Hey there Pyro,
Great to meet you. Can't believe it's all over. I feel like I've dropped out of a parallel world straight back into this one and I have to learn to find my way around in a house again. Oh dilemma! Time for me to eat my vegemite on toast and cycle off to the osteopath to get my aching shoulder sorted out. Signing off from Toulouse. Keep in touch...
Slartibartfast (Ange)
Angela said…
hey Pyro - I am new to this 'blog' game - did my other comment (s) go through?
Are you full on back into the 'real world?'
keep in touch
Hey Ange - yeah, they got through but I have to moderate any comments before they're put up!

Life is, well, strange. But ismn't it always?!
Angela said…
If life wasn't strange it wouldn't be worth living? What would we do with 'NORMAL?'

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