
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sunset summer sessions

(NB - this is not so much a poem as just a bit of a stream-of-consciousness ramble) Leave the office. Leave the car. Leave the city. Leave mobile reception.Leave the shirt and tie. Leave one world. Enter the thermals. Enter the drysuit. Enter the BA, spraydeck and helmet. Enter the boat. Enter the river. Enter another world. Suspend so-called 'normality' for a couple of hours. Reboot into normal-normality for a couple of hours. Get away from it all. Get away from the politics, from the emails, phone calls, meeting requests. Get away from the steady drone of information and misinformation that we call 'life'. Focus down to what's important now: There isn't enough room in this eddy for your emotional baggage: The important things here are the current, the rock, the eddy; body, boat and blade; rhythm, rate and flurry; the subconscious and the instinctive. It would be the same were this biking. It would be the same were this running. It would be the same...