Easter Bunnies

So, I must get better at updating this thing more regularly, huh? I've become a 'binge blogger', big spurts of activity during January and June (for the 'Athons, obviously enough) and naff-all between times. Oops. Sorry! So, for now, a short blog to let you know what I've been up to. I dropped out of Janathon, unfortunately. Just carrying too many niggling injuries and lacking any motivation. I've been known to have "off days" like most people, but honestly, January and February were "off months" - whether it was just Winter blues, the weather, living where I am, lack of natural light or what I don't know, but it took a while to shake off. Since then there's been a few things going on. I've got back into climbing a wee bit - only indoors, and nothing very serious, but once-a-week-ish sessions at the Leeds Wall have been awesome. I've started building the paddling back up as well, and while I'm still fighting some confide...